Protecting your pendrive from virus without antivirus

Now-a-days pen drive viruses
are spreading rapidly. Most of
the pen drive viruses create an
autorun.inf file in the root of
the pen drive folder to load
automatically when the pen
drive is inserted in the system.
You can create a folder named
autorun.inf in the root folder
of pen drive to overcome this
problem. Set this folder to
read only, system and hidden
by using attrib +h +r +s
autorun.inf at the command
prompt of the pen drive. Also
you can hold SHIFT key to stop
the execution of autorun.inf
when you inserting the pen
drive. Then you can use Solo
antivirus scanner to remove the
infected files.
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How to manually update your
DAT files
First Method: Click mouse right
button on the Solo Scheduler
icon and select "Configure
Scheduler". Scheduler icon will
be there in the system tray
near to the clock icon. Click "
Update Now " button to
download latest DEF files. You
must have active Internet
connection for this.
Second Method: You can
download and install the
update file from the link Solo
Update . By installing this
update, Solo can protect your
system from all latest viruses.
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When a virus found in memory
what to do
First method: Download and
install Solo antivirus update
from the link http://
update.htm . Then restart the
system in SAFE mode. [ As soon
as the BIOS has finished
loading, continually tap the F8
key until the Windows Advanced
Options menu appears. Using
the cursor keys, scroll down to
"Safe mode" and press Enter
key. ]
Run Solo antivirus scanner from
Windows desktop and choose
Scan and Clean option to clean
infected files in SAFE mode. In
case of backdoor or trojan ,
you need to choose Delete
option in the Solo scanner to
remove infected files.
Second method: Start your
system in SAFE mode with
Command Prompt. [ As soon as
the BIOS has finished loading,
continually tap the F8 key until
the Windows Advanced Options
menu appears. Using the cursor
keys, scroll down to "Safe
mode with Command Prompt"
and press Enter key.]. Run C:
call Solo emergency scanner. If
you receive "Bad command or
file name" message, download
and save SOLOSCAN.BAT in C:
\WINDOWS from the link Solo
Emergency Scanner Bat File.
Then start the machine in SAFE
mode with Command Prompt
and run C:\WINDOWS
\SOLOSCAN.BAT to call Solo
emergency scanner to remove
It may be a false alarm too.
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How to solve "File I/O Error"
If you try to clean an opened
file this error will occur. You
should quit all windows
applications before cleaning a
virus. It is advisable to start
your system in SAFE mode. [As
soon as the BIOS has finished
loading, continually tap the F8
key until the Windows Advanced
Options menu appears. Using
the cursor keys, scroll down to
"Safe mode" and press Enter
key. ]
Run Solo antivirus scanner from
Windows desktop and choose
Scan and Clean option to clean
infected files in SAFE mode. In
case of backdoor or trojan ,
you need to choose Delete
option in the Solo scanner to
remove infected files.